Governance based on the Social and Solidarity Economy

By joining SCIC NOBATEK, our partners become part of a network that includes both public and private entities, all united by common values and a commitment to building a sustainable future. They primarily benefit from our expertise and extensive networks, which help them develop their innovations in the building industry and local neighborhoods.
Our partners have the opportunity to build and test their solutions through their own projects or collaborative initiatives at regional, national, and European levels.
Additionally, they gain exclusive access to the results of applied research produced by the SCIC. Partners also have a say in determining the strategic directions and key technological developments at the institute.
The NOBATEK SCIC encompasses various stakeholders in the sector, organized into seven equally weighted colleges, along with our employees.
As of January 1, 2025, the SCIC has 87 members, consisting of 36 individuals (including 23 employees) and 51 local authorities, companies, research centers, and universities.
Dominique Thomasson, the Chairman of COVERIS, has been leading the SCIC since January 2017.
The operating principles of the SCIC
The Société Coopérative d’Intérêt Collectif (SCIC) brings together all the key players in the sector, and any employees who wish to join, to work on a joint energy transition project for the building industry.
Public limited company
SA registered in the Trade and Companies Register
With variable capital
It can accept new entrants at any time
Associates do not receive dividends
1 associate = 1 vote. Assets remain non-divisible
Why should you join the SCIC?
Our partners primarily benefit from our expertise and networks to advance their innovations in buildings and neighborhoods. They develop and test their solutions through individual or collaborative projects at regional, national, or European levels.
Our associates decide on the strategic directions and major technological areas developed by the Institute.
Our partners also benefit exclusively from the results of applied research generated by the SCIC.
Our partners are part of a network of public and private partners who share the same values and are building for the future.
How to join
The members are grouped into categories that have a different relationship to the company’s activities. Their coming together creates the multi-partnership that characterises the SCIC. The categories are mutually exclusive. Each member is required to subscribe to a predefined minimum number of shares. The value of a share is 200 euros.